Turfgrass consultancy

Pitch and lawn specifications
Specifications for materials and systems. Irrigation system design. Drainage system design. Establishment protocols.

Turfgrass management

  • Fertilization and pest control programs. Management of warm-season / cool-season turfgrass species' association. Management of turfgrass overseeding
  • Specific programs for sports, ornamental and environmental lawns.
  • SOD FARM management

Fertilization and crop protection programs for turfgrass surfaces

Turfgrass management, especially in light of the European implementation of Directive 2009/128/EC needs very specific techniques and materials. Fertilization must be specifically balanced, as well as herbicides and fungicides treatments. Obviously not all lawns are the same (species, climate, soil, etc..) and they also differ in the intended use (sports, gardens, public parks, environmental turfed areas, etc..). Turf Europe can  draw up highly specific programs for the management of all types of turf.

Sod farm management programs

Sod farming needs a specific management program aimed at obtaining a healthy and marketable product with high aesthetic value, in the shortest possible time, or with the lowest possible expenditure. Therefore, sod farming management must strive to obtain the minimization of production costs, the increase of sod quality levels and finally to satisfy the market needs in terms of available species and sod formats. Turf Europe has gained a substantial experience in this field and can therefore supply a highly specialized technical-agronomical support for sod farms.