Turf Europe is a partner of the "WATER GOLF" European Project

WATERGOLF: Wireless distributed intelligent system for irrigation optimisation and early turf disease prevention and treatment on golf courses. (www.watergolf-project.com)

The objective of WATERGOLF project is to develop a system based on wireless and artificial intelligence that provides support to irrigation processes on golf courses, thus resulting in at least one third of water saved.

The system integrates both on-field underground sensing of parameters such as underground humidity, underground salinity, underground temperature, soil Ph and nitrate and on-surface sensing of parameters such as visible color sight, wind speed and direction, while it includes also a number of ambient sensing at different zones.

All the measurements will be transmitted by means of low consumption battery powered wireless ZigBee technology with specific antenna design. An Artificial Intelligence driven software - using the sensor measurement information and other input such as 3D Golf course mapping, drainage, compacting soil degrees, weather forecast, etc. - will suggest the parameters for irrigation for the different zones and will also inform of existing or coming turf diseases conditions and possible treatments if needed.

The WATERGOLF project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 315054, and will be executed under the collaboration of several European partners.