
In this section you will find all the most recent news about Turf Europe. Let's keep in touch !

02.08.2013 - Turf Europe is now a proud TPI member

Turf is now a proud member of TPI (Turfgrass Producers International).We hope to interact and get fully involved with this prestigious Association. This includes the particiapation to their great Tours and Conferences...!

01.04.2013 - Turf Europe is the official organizer of the ETS Field Days 2013

On behalf of the ETS - European Turfgrass Society. Turf Europe Srl is happy to welcome ETS-members and other turfgrass enthusiasts to the 3rdETS Field Days in Monte Carlo, Monaco ( The ETS Field Days is a 2 day event that is organised every two years in different European countries and it is intended to promote the exchange of information among turfgrass specialists from universities, official bodies and private companies. Given the recent approval by EU and Member States of a set of legislations that will progressively limit the use of agrochemicals in urban green areas, the theme of the 2013 Field Days in Monte Carlo is “Integrated turfgrass management: ...

26.02.2013 - Turf Europe is a partner in the MonSTEr GOLF project

From January 2013 Turf Europe is a partner in the MonSTEr GOLF Project.This project is financed by the Italian Space Agency and is aimed at developing a service for the monitoring and diagnosis of turfgrass stress in golf courses, by means of satellite imagery.

01.01.2013 - Turf Europe is a partner of the "WATER GOLF" European Project

WATERGOLF: Wireless distributed intelligent system for irrigation optimisation and early turf disease prevention and treatment on golf courses. ( objective of WATERGOLF project is to develop a system based on wireless and artificial intelligence that provides support to irrigation processes on golf courses, thus resulting in at least one third of water saved.The system integrates both on-field underground sensing of parameters such as underground humidity, underground salinity, underground temperature, soil Ph and nitrate and on-surface sensing of parameters such as visible color sight, wind speed and direction, while it includes also a number of ambient ...